Semifreddo with Apple and Cinnamon

Created on 2021-01-08

Inspired by Nutella Semifreddo (2021-01-08)

Estimated time needed: At least 514 minutes. At most 550 minutes.


660 g heavy cream approximately 37 % fat, 660 g is approximately 6dl.
300 g apple 150 g is approximately 1 apple.
150 g egg 50g is approximately 1 egg.
140 g sugar
50 g brown sugar (muscovado)
36 g egg yolk 18 g is approximately 1 egg yolk.
31.6 g cinnamon 7.9 g is approximately 1 tbsp.
8.4 g vanilla powder 4.20 g is approximately 1 tsp.
3 g salt 5.9 g is approximately 1 tsp.


Percent %
By ingredient



Active time 5 minutes

  • 300 g apple | 150 g is approximately 1 apple.

Peel and dice apples:

We are currently debating whether using fresh apples leads to too much crystalization in the result, and that it might be better to try using dried apples instead.

Active time 2 minutes | Passive time 3 minutes

Fry apples:

Over medium heat until soft. If neccessary to grease the pan, butter should yield the best results?

Active time 5 minutes

  • 36 g egg yolk | 18 g is approximately 1 egg yolk.
  • 150 g egg | 50g is approximately 1 egg.
  • 140 g sugar
  • 3 g salt | 5.9 g is approximately 1 tsp.

Mix eggs and sugar:

Whip the egg yolks, egg, sugar, and a pinch of salt until they become fluffy and you can draw an "8".

Active time 2 minutes

Transfer egg and sugar fluff to bowl suitable for water bath.

Active time 10 minutes

Heat egg and sugar mixture over water bath to make custard:

Place the bowl with the mixture over a pot with water, so that the bowl does not touch the water. Heat it gently, while stirring, until you have a nice thick custard that holds about 60℃ to 70℃. If you are uncertain, err on the side of caution and take it of the heat once it's reached 60℃.

Active time 5 minutes | Passive time 10 minutes

  • 50 g brown sugar (muscovado)
  • 31.6 g cinnamon | 7.9 g is approximately 1 tbsp.

Make cinnamon paste:

Combine brown sugar (muscovado) with water until it's almost dissolved. Heat it up gently so that it doesn't burn. While it's hot, stir in the cinnamon. You might want to stop at 23.7 g (75%) and taste it to chekc whether you want to add the rest or if it's too much for you. Set aside to cool.

Active time 5 minutes

  • 660 g heavy cream | approximately 37 % fat, 660 g is approximately 6dl.
  • 8.4 g vanilla powder | 4.20 g is approximately 1 tsp.

Whip cream:

Whip it until it's fluffy, but not so much that it starts forming butter.

Active time 4 minutes

Combine cinnamon paste with some cream and custard:

Once the cinnamon paste has cooled down sufficently so that it doesn't mess up the cream and custard, combine the cinnamon paste with 60 ml (4 tbsp) of the cream and 60 ml of the custard. (The ratio is: by volume 1 part original amount of cinnamon, to 1 part cream, to 1 part custard.) Also add some of the apples.

Active time 4 minutes

Combine rest of cream and custard:

Gently fold the rest of the custard and cream together to make your custard cream filling for the semifreddo.

Active time 2 minutes

Cover cake tin in plastic wrap:

Make sure that the cake mold you select can be used in the freezer. Also consider that not all springform pans are made to effectively hold liquids for prolonged time. Cover the bottom of the cake tin in standard plasict cling wrap for kitchen use. Beware that the plastic wrapping should go all the way around on top of the semifreddo once you've added it, so use a generous amount keeping that in mind.

Active time 10 minutes

Fill cake tin with layers of apples, cinnamon, and custard cream:

Start with a layer of apples, so that when you turn the cake tin upside down for serving, you get a pretty pattern of swirly apples on the top. Then add a couple of dollops of the cinnamon paste on top of the apples. Don't spread the cinnamon paste out, you want pockeds of cinnamon awesomness in the final product. Next, cover with a layer of the custard cream. Continue layering apple, cinnamon paste, and custard cream like this until the tin is full and everything is spent.

Active time 2 minutes

Make swirls in the semifreddo:

Using a pin, dinner knife, or another similar implement, stick it in the semifreddo and run some swirls around in the cake tin, so that you get a fancy pattern later when it's served.

Active time 1 minutes

Cover semifreddo in plastic wrap:

Fold the plastic wrap sticking out over the edges of the cake tin, from when you covered the inside, over the semifreddo so that it is covered.

Passive time 480 minutes

Put semifreddo in freezer until done:

About 8 hours seemed to work for us. Serving tips: Take it out of the freezer some 5 - 10 minutes before serving. Turn it upside down on a plate when you take it out of the freezer for serving.