Red Pasta Sauce

Student's Milanese

Red Pasta Sauce

Created on 2018-11-19
Last updated on 2018-11-28

Source: Simon's dad

Estimated time needed: At least 30 minutes. At most 39 minutes.


400 g minced meat
400 g chopped tomatoes
200 g onion about 1 large one
140 g tomato paste about 2 to 4 table spoons, to taste
100 g spinach leaves
14 g garlic 1 clove of garlic is about 7 g.
2 tsp black pepper optional
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp salt to taste
1 tbsp basil
1 tbsp oregano
1 piece chili pepper optional
1 piece paprika bell pepper
1 handful mushrooms optional


Percent %
By ingredient



Active time 5 minutes

  • 1 handful mushrooms | optional
  • 1 piece paprika | bell pepper

Cut paprika and mushrooms:

Chop and set aside the paprika and the mushrooms. Do these first, because they survive laying around the longes amount of time (should you get distracted).

Active time 4 minutes

  • 14 g garlic | 1 clove of garlic is about 7 g.
  • 1 piece chili pepper | optional

Chop garlic and chili:

Finely chop the garlic (peel it first?) and chili. You can put them aside in the frying pan and let them wait there.

Active time 1 minutes

  • 100 g spinach leaves

Wash the spinach

Active time 3 minutes

  • 200 g onion | about 1 large one

Chop the onion:

Peel and chop the onion. I like using fairly large chunks so that it stands out as sweeter chunks in the result, but if you'd like it to almost dissappear and only add a tone of savory then chop it as finely as possible.

Active time 2 minutes

  • 2 tbsp olive oil

Fry the garlic and chili:

Start up the frying process with the garlic and the chili so that they begin giving off some of their awesome fragrance. Be careful though, garlic easily burns, and the taste of burnt garlic penetrates everything and is really hard to get rid of, so it's better to err on the side of caution and fry it too little rather than too much. Also note that I like using really good nonstick pans and not adding excess fat, so even though I don't, you might want to add perhaps a tablespoon or so of butter or olive oil for this step.

Active time 7 minutes

  • 400 g minced meat

Add minced meat and onion:

Fry until meat is brown. If you've started higher I'd turn it down to medium heat at this point.

Active time 4 minutes

Add mushrooms and paprika

Active time 2 minutes

  • 400 g chopped tomatoes
  • 140 g tomato paste | about 2 to 4 table spoons, to taste

Add the chopped tomatoes and paste:

Stir it in

Active time 1 minutes

  • 1 tbsp basil
  • 1 tbsp oregano
  • 2 tsp black pepper | optional
  • 1 tbsp salt | to taste


Passive time 5 minutes

Let it simmer:

Let the tastes soak in. Remember to occationally stir so that it doesn't burn at the bottom.

Active time 5 minutes

Stir in the spinach:

Adding a fistful at a time, watch how spinach like other leafy things simply seems to dissolve and don't fill up space at when it's added to a warm mass.